Friday, January 30, 2009

Robbed at Gunpoint !

Is there something you want to learn by being robbed at gunpoint?.As TW Jackson explains in the Magic of Making up system
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after your initial want to set up your "1st Date" again.

And.. the MOST important part,the secret and the part nobody else but T Dub will tell you is the Date HAS to be EMOTIONALLY CHARGED.


That DOES not mean 'dinner and a movie' because...well...its BORING...and does not create a bonding..or in our case a RE-bonding experience.In fact,you want to pack in several emotionally charged experiences=bond.

Look at it in another way, last time you went to the bank,do you remember the person in line in front of you? behind you? probably not. Me either.

But..What if while you were in the bank,it was ROBBED AT GUNPOINT? and the robbers couldn't get the safe open.The robbers are livid,screaming and waving huge guns around.The tension feels so thick you cut through it with a knife.You are lying face
down on the cold bank floor and can see your breath fogging up the tile below.

You are trembling... because it is eerily silent for a moment "oh my God" "where are the robbers?" "are they right behind me?" "are they watching me?". So you slowly move your eyes around and see a sweet older lady lying right next to you.She looks a little like a Grandma,and you come out of your own haze enough to realize she is even more terrified than you.She is softly sobbing.

You slowly reach out and take her hand in yours and give her a little squeeze that says.."it's gonna be alright".NOW! Let me ask? Are you going to EVER forget that older lady? and..Do you think she will EVER forget you? Not in a million sundays! Now..I'm not saying to go rob a bank on your first date!LOL

But you want to go on an emotionally charged and exciting date..and preferably several mini-dates in a span of couple of hours.A short roller coaster is one GREAT example.TDub teaches you more about things like emotionally charged dates in the magic of making up system.

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You'll also discover psychological tactics and techniques you can use to get you BACK on that first date with your ex again.

PS Get a special unannounced bonus called 'mind magic' when you reserve your copy of the magic of making up system through this special link

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

What Can I do To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back

Most people find themselves asking "What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back" following a breakup. They begin to start thinking and philosophizing about everything that could have been done differently. They even begin to make plans about apology letters and other things that might be able to help them score their relationship back.

This tends to be a dead end for one reason above all else: Because you can never really tell what the real reasons were behind a breakup. Women become emotional and sometimes they do not even know what led to the break up at hand and they may not know what is making them feel the way they do. In many circumstances it is only harmful to lose all your energy trying to figure out what went wrong.

The first main strategy to answer the question about "what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back" is to forget about the relationship for a while, putting your energy into something else. Go out, make friends, have fun, network, and forget about women in general. Set some realistic goals about expanding your repertoire when it comes to seduction and meeting people.

Give yourself a couple of months and make changes in your life. Take some time away from your ex and it will work wonders.

The effect that strategies like this will have, is that it will allow you to make gradual changes in your life. And in how you perceive the subject of relationships. After a few months, you may have a much better idea of how you want to proceed with your ex.

Do you still want to get back together with her? Or are you ready to move on? Act accordingly. If you still want to get back together with her, it might be time to figure out how she is feeling about you.

Now is your chance to be a little more direct when it comes to getting your ex girlfriend back. You need to play strategically, however. Do not simply beg her to get back with you, because this is not a good time to be emotional.

Instead, what you should be doing is playing things cool with your ex. If you have spent enough time apart from her, she is probably missing you as badly as you are missing her. Play hard to get a little (don't over do it) and show her that you are doing fine without her. This will inspire her to really rethink things.

And if getting back together with your ex really is meant to be, now is the time when it will become apparent. Be careful not to analyze things too much, because over analyzing may prevent you from acting the right way when trying to figure out "what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back". Just take things slow and play them cool and you should be fine.
To know more about this
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Friday, January 23, 2009

What Can I Do To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back

your situation to a tee? Are you asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back" at every turn? Here are some tips that will greatly improve your chances of getting back Are you feeling like everything you do pushes your ex away further? Is this describing together with your ex boyfriend.

Obviously right now you are serious about saving or rekindling your relationship, which is what led you to this article in the first place. But if you are feeling overly anxious to get your ex back, you may be behaving in the wrong way, causing your ex to pull away naturally. It is human nature in general to resist this kind of pressure. Struggling against human nature is completely pointless, and it will only make matters worse.

Are you calling your ex too much, constantly writing him e-mails or text messaging him? Are you trying to make him feel sorry for you? If you are doing these things, stop! If you are asking yourself " What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", then you need to stop doing these things right now.

So What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back? Follow this strategy instead.

You are going to need to take a completely fresh approach. Begin by breaking contact off for a while, doing your own thing. During this time where there is no communication between you and your ex boyfriend, you can focus on ways that you can improve your own personal life, rather than focusing on the relationship issues at hand. This is going to be a challenging time, and it is going to require discipline to prevent you from returning to your old ways.

During this time, your ex is going to experience a shift in how he feels about you, since you will no longer be pursuing him. You may become mysterious to him in some ways, because he is not sure what you are doing or feeling. This is actually something that can work in your favor. Now your ex is in a position to actually miss you, which is not possible when you are smothering him.

You must remember that the key to this strategy and repairing a break up is to work with human nature rather than attempting to work against it. If you are wondering " What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", now you should have a fairly basic understanding on how common mistakes can be avoided. Once you implement this basic strategy you can restore a balance and allow your ex to remember why he loved you in the first place.

Just keep yourself grounded and avoid smothering him. Make yourself appear mysterious and he will be reminded why he loved you in the first place. Play hard to get (don't over do it) and let him make the first move, and you will come out on top. And then you will stop asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back".To know more Click Here!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Did you know that most relationships CAN be salvaged? You may find it difficult to believe that almost every break up for whatever reason…infidelity, plain old lost passion, loss of interest, a stolen heart and worse...even the worst situations you can imagine…like men serving prison sentences have salvaged their relationships. Yes, even Ex-cons have got back together with girlfriends and wives after being away for years!
You want to know how you can achieve this;
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Monday, January 5, 2009

You already know how hard it is to just even wake up and roll out of bed in the morning. You leave your radio off on your way to work because every song is a painful reminder of him. You can't even bear to eat at the same restaurants you took her to. And if that isn't bad enough, you have to cope with the loss of friends and family that are on "their side".
This can change,you can have him back.See how this can be done here;
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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Couples reunite everyday regardless of the situation'!.Don't you think that make sense?That if some of us can think of couples that have gotten together even under some horrible circumstances...that there could be some hidden recipe or secret to recpturing lost love?
check out more about it here;
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